Respite Care Family Members

The goal of respite care is to give the primary family caregiver a break from the task of caring for a loved one at home. Respite Care services aim to lower the strain and stress of caregiving by transferring responsibilities to a trusted professional at Quintessence Group, LLC..

If you have a family or loved one who needs 24/7 care and attention, you need to keep yourself healthy. You can’t take care of someone else if you get sick too. Respite Care services give you the chance to take a rest and regain your strength – and keep yourself healthy.

Best of all, when you return from taking a break, all your normal tasks are expertly taken care of by our staff – for you! This means that you can spend more quality time with your loved one instead of being stressed with managing their health needs.

Family is important. This is why we offer our respite care programs so you can make those you love feel that they are important to you.

Respite Care Services are available on the following terms:

  • Hourly
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Long-Term
  • On Intervals or By Schedule

Please call us to learn more about Respite Care Services - (301) 262-5669.


Contact Information


10632 Little Patuxent Pkwy., Ste. #131
Columbia, MD 21044

Phone:    (301) 262-5669
Fax:        (301) 576-6043
Hotline:   (240) 305-2181
